Detailed Information

Services include:

  • Alternatives to Violence, a New Directions program, is an intensive anger management program designed for male clients who have charges related to domestic violence or other violent offenses, such as assault. Referrals are made by area municipal courts, probation and parole.
  • Individuals referred for the program are verbally screened by a professional counselor in order to determine the severity of the current violent offense(s), the individual’s history of violent behavior and the potential that an individual may perpetrate violent offenses in the future. The screening is $30. The first night of class will be $35 which covers $15 for the manual and $20 for the class. Each night after that will be $20 and the class is 24 weeks long. All must be paid in cash or money order.
  • Topics covered:
    •      Understanding and managing emotions
    •      Healthy conflict resolution
    •      Effective communication
    •      Building healthy relationships
    •      Sexual respect
    •      Accountability
    •      Effects of violence on children
    •      Effects of substance abuse on violence