Missouri Reentry Program

What is the Missouri Reentry Program?

In partnership with the Missouri Department of Corrections, we help guide those reentering our community from the prison system. The Missouri Reentry Process (MRP) is designed to prepare offenders to be successful, productive, taxpaying citizens upon their release from prison. This endeavor requires an integrated network of support to help offenders address barriers to their success. Our objective is clear: improve the overall transition process of offenders leaving prison and returning to Missouri communities.

The service area for our program is limited to Jasper, Newton, McDonald, Barton and Lawrence counties.

How do we Help?

  • Find jobs, housing, and transportation
  • Re-establish family relationships
  • Find treatment for substance use, medical or mental health conditions
  • Not reoffending

Contact Information

To learn more about the Missouri Reentry Program, please contact Marlissa Diggs at (417) 782-9899 or at mdiggs@theallianceofswmo.org