One Caring Adult Can Change a Drug Endangered Child's Life.
Step Out into Your Community and Step Up to Be the One.

The Southwest Missouri Alliance for Drug Endangered Children (DEC) is gaining great momentum in the community. SWMO DEC is part of the National Alliance for Drug Endangered Children. This select group of local professionals works to identify children affected by substance misuse environments as early as possible, intervening appropriately and providing services to the children and their family members through a specialized multidisciplinary team.

The group formed under the Alliance in January of 2023 and has grown to 25 members. The group purchased 13 specialized children’s books in the spring. “Timbi Talks About Addiction” is a useful tool for caregivers seeking to navigate the challenges of children impacted by the devastation of parents with addiction. These books were distributed to child-serving organizations across Jasper County and are going a long way toward making a difference in changing the trajectory of drug-endangered children’s lives.

Most recently, the group has partnered with the Joplin Police Department to attend block parties throughout the summer. The group hopes to expand services to Newton County in the near future, but funds are needed to make that possible.

Please consider donating to this much-needed program.